
Ringside Hero : Setting up for the sequel

Quick update on the game's launch :

Nearly a month has passed since Ringside Hero's release already. While the game made a good debut, I was surprised to see it pop-up in the "Hot New Games" section on Kongregate's front page recently. The rating increased, and I received a lot of very interesting comments from the community which are precious for making the next version.

Next step
As I mentioned, Ringside Hero rings a creative bell that I'm planning on exploiting. The next version however needs to be portable to more than just Flash because there is not much to support my work financially in this field anymore.

So I've checked a few options for portable tools. There are several paid tools that look very interesting like GameMaker and BuildBox but I didn't want to commit money to something I wasn't sure to like to work with. There is also Unity that offers a free version that seems to be widely used among indie developers but I installed a version and couldn't wrap my head around it.

So in the end I'm opting for Haxe, which offers a code similar to AS3 but can be compiled for Windows, iOS, Android, Flash and HTML5. Plus it's free and I can keep working with FlashDevelop as I'm used to. Pretty neat!

So that said, last week was pretty rough on my morale as I spent most of my time installing Haxe and trying to set it up to be able to compile in all those targets. Problems with Visual Studio C++, required for Windows compiling, even led me to reinstall windows on my machine. Joy.

I may be a game developer with some programming skills, I still suck with technology. And I hate it. I hate setting up hardwares and softwares. I just want my tools to work so I can make games! But that will now have to wait till January.

Merry christmas all!

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